What does NADH do for Parkinson's?

Dr. Wenzel Karoline

Specialist in neurology
Member of the extended board of the
Austrian Parkinson's Society

What does NADH do for Parkinson's?

The effectiveness of NADH on mobility with Mb. Parkinson's diseasein that the
bioavailability of levodopa has already been demonstrated in early studies.
(Birkmayer 1989, Kuhn 1996).
In addition, with good and safe tolerability, an improvement in the
Quality of life, reduction of inflammatory parameters in blood and cerebrospinal fluid
(cerebrospinal fluid), a decrease in anxiety and maximum heart rate
can be proven.
There is increasing evidence that NADH a cell-protecting effect with regard to
mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammatory changes at the cellular level and
nerve cell DNA damage (Gindri 2024, Brakedal- NADPARK study 2022).

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