Photo Bio Modulation helmet for the brain


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Postage cost allocation from 1.2.2025

  • Delivery within Austria: postage € 15,50
  • Delivery to all EU countries from the central warehouse/Austria: postage € 19.50
  • Delivery within Switzerland: postage free from the new Swiss sub-warehouse/CH-8585 Langrickenbach: postage € 15.50

photo bio modulation helmet

Different frequencies for different types of diseases
Disease to be treated Treatment time Frequency
Cerebral arteriosclerosis Insufficient blood supply to the brain 30 minutes 50 Hz
Brain atrophy 30 minutes 40-50 Hz
Alzheimer's disease (AD) 30 minutes 50 Hz
Children with autism 30 minutes 10-30 Hz
Cerebral thrombosis, cerebral infarction 30 minutes 50 Hz 50 Hz
Lacunar infarction 30 minutes 50 Hz
Recovery from traumatic brain injury after surgery 30 minutes 30 Hz
Recovery phase after brain poisoning 30 minutes 30-50 Hz
Children with cerebral palsy 20-30 minutes 5-15 Hz
Parkinson's disease 30 minutes 30-50 Hz
Depression 20-30 minutes 50 Hz
Mental disorders 20-30 minutes 30-50 Hz
Insomnia 20-30 minutes 5-15 Hz
Nervous headaches 20-30 minutes 20-40 Hz
High blood pressure 20-30 minutes 5-15 Hz
Fatigue disease of the brain 20-30 minutes 30 Hz
Memory loss 20-30 minutes 30 Hz
Neurasthenia 20-30 minutes 5-20 Hz

Therapeutic applications

This photo-bio-modulation machine (helmet) is a therapeutic instrument for the brain,

based on the principle of photo-bio-modulation.

Very good effects have been achieved in traumatic events such as:

  • Craniocerebral trauma
  • Global ischemia
  • Psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Stroke
  • degenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson)

One of the experiments by the Italian brain health organisation
29 Italian patients underwent NIR stimulation therapy for one month in March 2020, were tested before and after and showed good results.

One of the experiments cooperates with the German organisation for health care
showed a clear response to NADH reduction, i.e. the increase in ATP relative to our PBM helmet stimulation

Here you can download more information material "Downloads 1. 2. 3." down:

  1. Photo bio modulation helmet,
  2. Prof. Litscher/Med. University Graz/Austria 2020 Research,
  3. Prof. Litscher/Med. University Graz/Austria 2020 Research -B2


The cells need energy to maintain their vital functions and maintain their functional efficiency. NAD - reduced to NADH (= energetic) provides this cell energy in a natural way

Function of the Photo Bio Modulation Machine


international therapist fair

It was the international therapists' fair, we received nice reactions.
Many people wanted to try the device and many immediately felt something.
A woman with Parkinson's disease was also able to experience a clearly positive reaction during the test.
One of the experiments cooperates with the German organisation for the health care system, showed a clear
Response to NADH reduction, i.e. the increase in ATP relative to our PBM helmet stimulation